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Egg Drop Project


The egg drop project was an assignment that required us to use a limited amount of supplies to create a device that could protect an egg when dropped from 12 feet onto concrete. My partner and I came up with several designs and tested them, finding that every time, the egg would bust. After going through more than half of our supplies, we settled on one design. Though our egg was protected in the initial fall, it fell out of the contraption and ended up being scambled.  This activity taught me that perserverence is an important quality. If you stop trying every time you fail, you will get nowhere in life, and we wouldn't have been able to complete our project. 

Rolling Ball Lab


The rolling ball lab was a lab that I completed in my Physical Science Class. We created a ramp using a basket, some books, and a ruler. Then we marked distances on the floor with tape. We released a small metal ball from the top of the ramp and videoed it as it rolled down and across the floor. Then we calcuated different amounts such as its speed and displacement. This lab taught me a lot about the lab process and how to do a formal lab write up. It was our first actual lab write up and though I didn't do well at first, I was able to correct it and get a better grade. It also taught me how much math plays a role in science.

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